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Ladies and Gents, I, Dannyrulx am coming back with a new roleplay. Since we've only got Wave after Wave and Abyss (Which isn't doing too well,) I'd thought I'd start a new RP up for us to enjoy. Right, the backstory.

Endemic. So called as it's the oldest planet Man has ever stepped foot onto, and one of the lushest planets to ever be lethal to humans on top of it. With a gravity twice the strength of earth and an atmosphere made up of 20% oxygen, 25% carbon dioxide, 50% Nitrogen and 5% trace, early settlers had trouble making their way through a few years before having to flee. This time, however, Mankind is more prepared.

You take the role of UNCT, One of the many interplanetary recon and auxiliary military organisations that is sent to protect early settlers and map out the landscape. Experienced botanists, soldiers and cartographers alike all wear the UNCT badge, which has a certain aura of respect with most communities, even in the most overrun of Hab-Planets. 

Your job is very simple. Respond to HQ's orders and aid in the setting up of the colony. If the colony falls, the nearest ship is still 2 years worth of FTL away from you. Very simply, this colony must succeed.


Right, the character sheet.



Age: (All UNCT Personnel must be above the age of 20, measured in Terran Years)

Role Within Strikeforce Sierra: (This can be basically anything, as long as it makes sense in context of a scouting/defense organisation.)



And my character as an example:

Name: Roman Winslow

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Role Within Strikeforce Sierra: Verlic pilot and Chineden Driver

Backstory: A member of his planet's defense force from a very young age, Roman had an aptitude for mechanics that led to him being put into the Cavalry corps. When UNCT came knocking for volunteers, he signed up immediately, and went through the training required to Pilot the Verlic Quadcopter and Chineden light armored transport. He was placed in Strikeforce Sierra as his second mission, and promised a bump in seniority if he survived.



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