Triumphant/Shadow Ending [Adventure Mode Spoilers]

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I've searched around and I couldn't find a similar thread anywhere, apologies if this has been suggested before!

I was just wondering if there are any plans to tweak the ending of Adventure Mode where the characters are imprisoned on the throne? Given the Triumphant/Shadow outfits in DST, I figured it'd make more sense to have those outfits appear when a character is on the throne in DS.

It's probably a long shot to ask for this, but I'd also really love it if perhaps after having a character sit on the throne, you unlock their Triumphant/Shadow skin in DS? That'd rock. Granted it'd mean implementing some kind of skin system into DS which I can understand being a big ask, it'd be great for lore-friendliness if it could happen though!

Also, I'm not suggesting that unlocking it in DS should unlock it in DST or vice versa, I would imagine it'd be best if they were kept separate.

Thanks for reading this far if you have! ^-^

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1 hour ago, ImDaMisterL said:

I dunno...

I understand the Triumphant/Untriumphant skins not as the characters on the throne, but as Charlie's Grue side changing them and shaping/dressing them the way she likes.

Huh, that's a pretty cool way of looking at it. It works given the little hands that come out when you use a gift box/wardrobe.

The reason I was thinking they had something to do with the throne is the names and descriptions, plus Maxwell having 'Untriumphant'. But given Charlie, they could well be from her meddling with the group.

EDIT: In fact, you're absolutely right, I just checked through the Cyclum. Wilson is never seen with his shadow or triumphant skin. Which means the throne has nothing, or at least very little, to do with the tripumphant/shadow skins. Which means it must be Charlie.

Although my lore-friendly and throne arguments are now out of the window, I still stand behind how cool it would be to have Shadow Outfits in Don't Starve though, even just skins in general! I have a feeling it'll stay the realm of mods for a while, but it would be so awesome to have them in vanilla.

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