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Giants behaviour

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I have questions on how Giants behave in RoG:

1. Do they always aggro on your camp first or do they come after you if you are a certain distance away from your camp? I usually hang around my camp when the giants show up and every time they completely ignore me and start destroying my base first until I hit them to get their aggro. Question is, what if I'm on the other side of the map from my base when the giants spawn, will they spawn next to my base and destroy it even though I'm not close to it or will they spawn next to me and prioritize me?

2. If they prioritize me when I'm far from my camp, exactly how far from camp do I have to be?


Thanks ahead of time

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1. They will spawn next to you, yes, but not prioritize you, except for possibly the Goose/Moose. Bearger prioritizes food, Dragonfly burning things and getting ash and Deerclops structures. (Thanks t0panka for the correct info.)

2. Not much, I think as long as it is off-screen it's fine... but try running away some in-game feet from it.

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The reason I ask is because I was about 5 screens away from my base when I heard the Dragonfly growling, I decided to stay away from base so that it would come after me and not set my stuff on fire but apparently a distance of 5 screens was not enough, Dragonfly went for my base and burned down 15 chests.

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2 minutes ago, GangStarrWoWp said:

The reason I ask is because I was about 5 screens away from my base when I heard the Dragonfly growling, I decided to stay away from base so that it would come after me and not set my stuff on fire but apparently a distance of 5 screens was not enough, Dragonfly went for my base and burned down 15 chests.

The Dragonfly can be lured away from places with ash.

Try saving some for next summer and when she spawns near your base, just put some in the ground to lead her away. Or just put them there for her to eat.

She falls asleep once she eats a certain ammount of ash.

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