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Ok so i decided to start to post some of a story I'm working on. I'll update it when I can  It's now completed and I hope you guys may enjoy it . Anyway let's get started! 


A beautiful world gone wrong

Chapter 1: The creature

The wind blew pleasantly through the trees and graced the flowers with a small tilt to their stems, waving gently. The sounds of rabbits slowly hopping along as they scavenge for food as birds chirped through the air sometimes landing to peck at seeds. All was calm in the world. until it came. The creature was sent here by Maxwell and as he disappeared everyone expected him to function normally with the rest. But it didn't. Instead it began to pick up things which confused us. Why would Maxwells creation destroy the world? Sure some of us fought each other but we never attempted to rip up grass or pick off twigs making shells of the former plants.

This creature went about collecting anything it found and the birds flew away if it got to close. It was better to be safe than sorry for this creature was surely a destroyer and who would want to be done in by a new creation? Soon dawn graced the land in orange light as the sun was beginning to set. The creature didn't seem to mind it as it continued on. Some of us followed out of his view. But curiosity got dangerously high as some would get close to it and as it turned around they would run. It didn't seem fazed. In fact it seems just as curious as the ones who came close.

Night came down and the creature stumbled in the darkness. We hear something that we never heard before. A hiss that made your soul feel like ice. It was hateful and gruesome, which is why we figured it jumped and got hurt. No one knew about this new sun that could be made as the creature held it up. What a wonder it was! A small sun that could be transported, what else could this creature make? Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. We would soon see that this was a great mistake to be had, nothing good came from this creature.

Chapter 2: So it begins

A lot of us soon got bored and continued on with their lives. But not me. I watched the creature always, even if it was starting to get boring. It just seemed to explore. I’ve seen it make something that cut up trees as it’s doing now. It also seemed to learn from the first night and always made that mini sun before it got dark. I sat there staring at the creature until I realized I wasn’t alone. I looked over at my friend who was also watching it. We were the only ones who followed the creature now and my friend liked to think of it as a sign of the end.


“Maybe it’ll die and well be free from it,” He said dryly as his eyes narrowed at the creature who now is walking off from the stump it left. I said nothing, he always said things like this but I wasn’t sure it would ever happen. The creature seemed prepared to live it’s life to the fullest much to our discomfort. Someone ran over to us. He was panting and tried to talk “I…….Another……..Over….” We looked at him waiting for him to recover. As he did he looked at us in horror “ Theres another one…. It came on the opposite side of this one but it’s destroying the world just like it!” My friend tensed in anger, was this punishment? We did what we were suppose to so why…


I was alone in watching the first creature as my friend decided to watch the second. He was hopeful that they would fight each other and be rid of them for good. I wasn’t as optimistic for these things were to strange and seem to be able to adapt a little to well. The creature stopped suddenly in the savanna and seemed to look around. I was worried, There were families nearby that liked to live quietly and I was sure that this creature didn’t care to uphold their wishes. It made a sun on the ground with rocks around it and began to burn the plant it ripped up before. Was this some kind of torture to what it took from the world? Soon these plants were popped into it’s mouth and never seen again. Maybe this creature only ate plants. It was hopeful thinking that it wouldn’t kill anyone, and in the end that’s all it was. Hopeful thinking.

Chapter 3: Settling down with murder

Things took a turn for the worse once the creature was settled. It started to make weird…things.. I’m not sure how to explain them, some moved once it got close others were the skin of trees shaped weirdly. But I didn’t feel hate for this creature yet, it has only started to explore and surely it would see the beauty of this world even with it’s weird experiments with the plant life. And it was really odd around one of the families nearby as it…Well… Took their… Er… Well let’s just say it’s weird and I fail to understand the meaning behind it. The creature took to gathering more rocks, wood, grass, and twigs as before but now at night as it huddled to the sun on the ground it was making more things. 


The next day I found out just what those things were for. It placed them over some families home that were nearby. I first though it was to be a gift which I found weird until one of the young kids came out only to have the contraption to fall on her head. I was shocked and was about to go help as the creature walked over. Surely it would free the kid after all she was only 2 years and would need to return home so her family wouldn’t miss her. I has horrible wrong. Watching in terror as the creature broke the young girls neck and put her dead body in some compartment on its back. I kept watching as this happened to more and more of these poor people. If I did something then would it have change what happened?


I sat on a stump that the creature seemed to let litter the world as a watched the creature at it’s home. So many new invention so far has been put up and it had a stick that was made to hurt anyone as I saw before with the family in the woods. So much death has happened. It seemed to like it and even made weird things with the meat that dropped from them. Even hanged some up as I would assume was a trophy from it’s horrific killing spree. Yet I still watched. I though of how I haven’t heard from my friend or anyone else in a while. Maybe the other creature killed them? Maybe I’m a few that aren’t being hunted but rather watching this supposed hunter. Maybe I should have rethought my actions that would come in the future. Or maybe it was planned all along.

Chapter 4: The more to worry about

The creature explored a lot. I was surprised that I never saw the other one meet this one. Until today. The first creature was walking around and found the other running from one of the adults which meant that the second creature must have stepped on the lawn. The first took down the adults who were only trying to protect their own queen and regarded the second.It talked, I was shocked for this creature hasn’t before. “You ok?” it asked the other. The other simple nodded. “Ah good well my names Wilson, what’s yours?” the other made motions but remained silent. Then kneeled down to write in the dirt below them. “Ok… Wes, I have a base nearby would you want to join me?” that seemed to make this Wes happy. Both of them walked to the home… I mean base that this Wilson made.


I wondered if my friend was nearby, surely these were the only two creature who came. That though left me feeling sick, what if they weren’t? What if they kept coming until the world was completely barren? My thoughts stopped as I saw my friend come over to me. That was a good sign surely. He didn’t looked pleased though. “There’s more,” and with those two words my soul felt shattered. I gulped “How many?”. To this my friend looked at the two in their base. “I’m not sure if they’ve seen the same person or if it’s all different people but I’ve heard four more accounts of finding these….Things” he hissed the last word. Oh how will everyone survive now with these lunatics around! My friend looked at me “ And… Well were the only ones who even care to find out what they’ve done. Everyone else is just hoping they won’t be caught by them and are hiding as best they can,” I understood this. No one would want to be caught by them but if we don’t do something then… I didn’t want to think about it.


I was put to watch these two as my friend decided to try and find the other creatures. They continued their mass killing and even in the middle of night shaved some people! Why in the world would they take the hair from another? They had it on their own head for crying out loud! Needless to say the people weren’t pleased to wake up to a cold morning and looked so sad now… Hopefully it’ll grow back soon. I’ve learned through watching them that Wilson talked. A lot. Sometimes i didn’t understand it other times I think he gave names for a group of people like this ‘Beefalo’ name that he used. I grew numb to seeing them kill which worried me some but never enough to do anything about it. As I continued to watch over these two I felt like my friend might have been right all along. This was the end to us all. Ended by these creatures who came in and took over.

Chapter 5: The start of conflict

Their base grew. Their weapons became more cruel. They even figured how to trap birds, take what they call ‘fish’ from their homes and crafted so many new contraptions i didn’t know how they did it. But I felt the air get cooler. It was strange since we always had nice mild weather and the slight change worried me. Where they changing the world more than just on the surface? How could they control the environment in so many ways? My friend told me he found two others together just like these things were. Their names they called themselves where Wickerbottom and a strange looking one named WX-78. It seemed they were close to the ones I was following and I briefly wondered if a fight would break out.


Of course it never did. No, now there was an even bigger base with all four going around destroying everything they touched. It was so infuriating. Why are they doing this? Why didn’t they ever stop to think of what their doing? Do they even care what is going on? I looked over at my friend. Since he found the other two I would have thought he’d go looking to see if there were anyone else but instead he watched them with me. We barely talked since there was nothing to talk about really. We both saw how they acted and had more or less the same opinion on it. But one day it started to snow. It came light first as we saw them running around giving each other these hats or a small round object. One came back with some sort of jacket that I didn’t want to know where it got it from. They were prepared as always and no matter what we thought, they would stay.


New creature came to the island but they weren’t as hostile as those four. The things they call pengulls were pleasant enough company and sometimes I would go and talk to them and then there was that hunter. Needless to say I stayed away as I didn’t want to anger that hunter into being his next pray. The things occupying that base seemed to get into a fight. At least two of them were. The Wickerbottom was holding something as WX-78 was waving it’s hands franticly in an annoyed manner. Wilson ignored them as it stared at one of the invention that was moving as Wes looked nervous. WX-78 huffed and went off into the woods nearby as Wickerbottom put the object in it’s ‘backpack’. “Hm, maybe this is a good sign,” I almost forgot that we both were watching as silent as we were. But he was right maybe this could become the end to them and they’ll leave the world in peace. Or, maybe they’ll leave the world with a wound that would never heal.


Chapter 6: Blood price


As conflict started to sprout in the base so did tension in the air. The Wickerbottom and WX-78 didn’t seem to like each other anymore. Wilson would sometimes be brought into their argument by Wes. I assumed he was the leader as they both stopped almost immediately when he addressed the fighting. So far I assumed it to be pointless bickering but soon something serious must have happened. I saw Wickerbottom grab a random ‘tentacle spike’ that was on the ground and ran at WX-78 who was searching through a container called a ‘chest’. The hit cause WX-78 to dash away at first but then turn around to the other. My friend smiled as all of his worry seemed to wash away at this and the two started to fight.


I must admit even though I watched them kill countless of innocent people in our world I just couldn’t take watching them fight and for the first time I looked away. I could here the weapons clash and hit each other just as much as their made armer and sometimes skin. I thought the whole time it was just them as the other watched until I one of the weapons hit it’s target. I turned back. Wilson was between them as usual when they bickered but I stared at it’s face. A tentacle spike pierced it’s left side tangled in skin and punctured it’s eye as liquid flowed down it’s face. I felt sick, how could they do something like that to each other? I should have expected this with how they reacted to everything but it still felt…. Wrong, unnatural, unreal. My friend on the other hand cheered. I started to question my own opinions on these creatures.


 After I saw Wes start to take care of Wilson’s wound and the other two leave each other I left. My friend questioned where I was going and didn’t I want to see him take the weapon out. To this I didn’t reply as I wanted to get that image out of my mind and noise from playing on repeat constantly raking my brain with horrible images of what could have happened. What if Wilson didn’t step in? Would the two rip each other apart? Would Wes have tried and gotten more than the weapon to his face? I sat on one of the stumps still littering the ground. You’d think they’d dig it up and at least use it instead of leaving a remind that they were here. What could have possible made them fight? It must have been petty for survival should be their priority not property or imaginary borders in their mind. Items could be gotten back, plants can regrow, things worked out, lives not taken…. I shut my eyes. Is this how these new creature always are? Cruel and selfish, starting fights for no reason and hurting those who try to help?


Chapter 7: A change in heart


The two seemed to just ignore each other now much to my friends disappointment. He seemed more angry then usual and sometimes would say how we should fight them. I quickly dismiss this whenever brought up. Sure they weren’t good but we shouldn’t stoop to their level and kill. My friend though differently and sometimes I wondered if they were changing him. How I didn’t know but he seemed different and watched them all the time. As I did before but now I just had to take a break every once in a while. Seeing the one bandaged up…. I shook my head, I can still only think of the sound and image that I turned back to even this day and it keeps growing more and more graphic as I remember. As I wondered the forest I heard something. A roar somewhere in the distant. Then I realized it must be near the base.


The world seemed to rush by as I ran to the base that held the four creatures. As I saw it come to view I also saw what caused the roar. It was huge and was smashing something. One eye glaring down as fur coated it’s body to protect from the cold. Antlers protruding from it’s head like hands reaching for the sky. As I went to my friend I saw the destruction it caused. It was even more destructive then who we were watching! I looked to my friend but only saw glee as the four ran around in panic. “What has happened to you?” I asked. He’s never been so…so… He turned to me “I should ask what has happened to you,” I was shocked by this. What does he mean? I’m the same as always. But I didn’t dare ask. I might not have liked the answer.


I turned back to the camp with the survivors scrambling to take on this dangerous presence. All of them weaving in and out distracting the beast or hitting it until an accident happened. I say it sarcastically as WX-78 tripped Wickerbottom. It seemed their quarrels were still there but this… Wickerbottom got the full force of ice smashed into it’s body. Needless to say it didn’t get back up and as the other soon killed the beast and gathered I saw Wilson’s anger. “Did you do that on purpose?” he shouted. “PLEASE, SHE WAS JUST NOT GOOD AT FIGHTING. IT WOULDN’T HAVE TAKEN MUCH TO EVEN HURT THAT INFERIOR KNOW IT ALL FLESHLING,”. At that I saw Wilson bring out his weapon and turn it on the other. I was shocked, wasn’t he the leader? This time it seemed Wes tried to get between them and Wilson only pushed him away. Unlike last time I watched.


Chapter 8: Fueling the fire


They Ran around each other sometimes hitting their weapons together. Sometimes the sound of wood chipping could be heard. Wes seemed panicked at this and looked around franticly. I looked at my friend wondering if he was enjoy this display of violence that he seemed so taken to now. I was terrified. He looked vicious as his hair stood on ends and teeth glared at the world from his gaping mouth. I was about to say something until I saw him rush forward into the fray. The two stopped seemingly to notice him just as Wes went in between them successful this time since they stopped. My friend jumped on Wes and started to tear him to shreds as I stood back horrified. The other two swung their weapons at him, each going through yet I could tell it somewhat hurt him. He just didn’t seem to care.


He vanished and re appeared somewhere else continuing to go after WX-78 now that Wes was dead. They both fought as best they could but the two battles they were in soon did in WX-78 and it was just Wilson and my… No he’s not the same friend I had before this was some beast that fed on the creatures suffering now. Wilson ran around trying to get the beast to try and attack first so it could counter. Which sometimes worked. Other times it got a gash from the failed attempt. I thought Wilson was done for but with a final slash at him my friend disappeared yet again. I didn’t see him go back on the attack and Wilson in it’s panic ran off to try and distant itself.


I followed feeling compelled to do so. It ran through the biomes I seen him explore before but then did they feel welcoming to it? Did this Wilson find beauty in the world that it was thrown into. Wilson seemed to scan the ground for something. What it wondering how all the flower were gone as it’s group had picked them long ago? Did it feel remorse for ridding this place of some plant to have them wither away when it could have just watched it bloom life instead?


Chapter 9: End of the road


Wilson looked behind itself and I think it may have saw me. Horror struck as it tried to run faster. What was there to be scarred of? If anything I think I knew it more than anyone else here. I started to understand it’s need to survive this land for it was harsh to the newcomer. I understood it’s need for company since I didn’t like to be alone myself. I knew it’s rage when a friend attacked something or someone who didn’t deserve it. I was the only one to see it’s struggle in the world from day one. I was always there. 


Wilson fell and tried to crawl at this. It was desperate to cling to life but I knew it wouldn’t survive. It was shaking from the cold as the frost set in from worn out clothing. The stone I often seen them placed by the ‘fire pit’ fell out of it’s pocket and was cold. 

Wilson crawled to a tree and tried to get up but instead slumped against it. It starred at me in horror and I came closer. I stared at it as I did the first day. Should I have come out of the shadows right away? Should I have warned it when my friend was going to attack? Should I have just left it alone?


I realized that Wilson was crying. What for? Surely death is more soothing than living in this world that rejected it so. I decided I should do it a favor. I’ll quickly let it leave to be free from this pain. As I advanced to do this and as I saw it’s eyes grow ever wide in knowing it’s end was near I heard it whisper something. Soon it was lifeless as I sat back. I looked at the body that was slumped against the tree with the look of terror still on it’s face and I remarked how know it looked like it belonged. I thought back to what the creature had said. “Terrorbeak,” I repeated. The creature really did like naming stuff huh?

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Just now, Mezukie said:

@RyanandLink Aw thanks! I love to write from different perspectives and thought who better to know you than terrorbeak with it's ever watchful eye? I was thinking of making an account on a fan fiction site and posting more of my work maybe I'll do that today~

When I started reading, I thought the "narrator" was either Mr. Skitts, a Spider or one of the other shadow creatures. Turns out I was somewhat correct :D 

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