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A fictional Don't Starve Together story. 

I explained my battle strategy around the fire pit to Wendy and her Wolfgang buddies. Wendy and I would distract the mooselings, while the trio of strongmen went to kill the giant. My secret plan was to grab the down feathers and bolt before the Wolfgang's inevitably turned on me, but I wasn't sure how to make it work. In the morning, we went to the nest of the Moose/Goose and engaged in combat with it. Much to my dismay, the fight went quite well, and we killed the giant quickly. I was afraid that if the Wolfgang's grabbed the down feathers I would never get them back, and I read "sleepytime stories" in a desperate attempt to grab the feathers. Once everyone had fell asleep, I grabbed the spoils of our battle and fled before my new enemies awoke. 

My "sleepytime stories" only had one use left, and I was out of nightmare fuel. I would have to use my last use of the book wisely. I didn't really plan ahead once I had stolen the down feathers, and I wandered into the woods. Perhaps I could evade Wendy and co by hiding out for a few days. But, I had only given the Wolfgang's a bigger reason to hunt me now that I had swiped the feathers. While I was wandering through the woods, I discovered a corpse. It had a backpack and a bunch of rot near it, the cause of death was darkness, which was surprising considering the grass and twigs inside of the backpack. But the highlight of the backpack was the single red gem, which I used to craft a "The End Is Nigh" book. 
You never know when some lightning could come in handy. I continued going through the woods for a few days, until I encountered the same Webber I had killed not too long ago. He didn't have amazing gear, and with the intimidation factor of my superior gear, I was able to talk to him without fear of being attacked. After a brief conversation, I gave him a bunch of supplies once he told me the location of the Wolfgang trio's base. I hoped he was telling the truth, because if I were him, I would have lied just to get the supplies. I journeyed a long way to find the Wolfgang trio's base, and I did eventually find it. Turns out Webber had been telling the truth, but now I needed to get revenge on the Wolfgang's for messing with me. I didn't want to fight them directly, but maybe I could break their ice boxes or burn their crock pots, so they couldn't feed themselves. Then they would be too weak to fight back once I attempted to loot the base. 
The base itself was surrounded by stone walls, with a flingomatic and the essentials of a base inside. The Wolfgang's didn't seem to be home, but I didn't want to risk being spotted. I used some of my precious nitre to make gunpowder, which would be important later. Then I prepared extra sets of armour, and as night fell I broke one of the stone walls entering the base, clad in my moggles. I set my gunpowder beside the lighting rod, and I hammered down the flingomatic. Now I was prepared in the event the Wolfgang's returned to the base. I began looting through the chests, and I didn't find what I would have expected. This base was full of grass, twigs, silk and manure. All very useful for setting up a base or giving to a new player, but not very useful to a trio of Wolfgang's. That was, unless, I was at the wrong base. Then, a Wilson accompanied by two Woodie's walked onto the screen. They were clad in straw hats, and started giving me heck for breaking into their base. 
I tried to explain that this was an accident, but with the broken wall, busted flingomatic, and gunpowder near the lightning rod, it was pretty pointless. They drew their spears, and I lit the gunpowder with my torch. The trio ran in through the broken stone wall, and I broke another wall as the lighting rod blew to pieces. I escaped from my new exit and circled the base, then I read "The End Is Nigh". The base burst into flames as the 16 lightning bolts hit their mark. The chests, ice boxes, and players blazed. They tried to fight the fires, but they couldn't possibly save everything. I ran into the base and easily killed the weakened players, as they had all lost a lot of health trying to fight the every growing fire. If the base didn't have stone walls, I would have burned down a lot of trees. I gather the few things untouched by the fire, some rocks and flint. Then, I talked to the Wolfgang's in chat, saying we should settle this once and for all. 
I told them to meet me in the rock biome that was infested with spiders and I began traveling there. Only a day later, the Wolfgang's arrived. Wendy wasn't with them, a wise decision, since the rest would fall victim to me. In advance, I had prepared a weather pain, which would give me a unique advantage. The Wolfgang's chased me onto the webbing of a maze of tier 3 dens. There was at least 12 spiders, and I used the last use of my "sleepytime stories" to put everything to sleep. Then I read "The End Is Nigh" and the lighting woke up the Wolfgang's, but it also lit he dens on fire, forcing all the spiders out. It was a slaughter. Rows upon rows of spiders attacked the trio, who fought valiantly until the bitter end. The numbers eventually proved too much for them. Silk and spiders glands lay everywhere in great numbers. The remaining mob of spiders attempted to attack me next, but I drew my weather pain. In only a few uses my tornadoes had wiped out the spider horde. I picked the corpses clean and hammered the skeletons. After gathering the silk, I set off into the night. 
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Some corrections:

13 hours ago, MiniKeeper said:

But, I had only given the Wolfgang's a bigger reason to hunt me now that I had swiped they feathers.

13 hours ago, MiniKeeper said:

Then I prepared extra sets of armour, as night fell I broke one of the stone walls and entered the base, clad in my moggles.

The comma for this could be replaced by a period(.) or probably an ellipsis(...)?

13 hours ago, MiniKeeper said:

All very useful this for setting up a base or giving to a new player,

13 hours ago, MiniKeeper said:

They trio ran in through the broken stone wall,

13 hours ago, MiniKeeper said:

as they had all lost a lot of health trying to fire the every growing fire. (?)


A great read as always :D

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