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Enabling mods on Dedicated server without ForceEnableMod()

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I am currently trying to install quite a few mods on my dedicated server. When going into the modsettings.lua it says to not use ForceEnableMod unless you are developing a mod. It says to do this from the main screen instead. This is not working for me, I found another question that is pretty much the same but attempted the solution with no luck. What am I missing? I tried adding the modoverrides.lua to the Documents\Klie\DoNotStarveTogether and under the mods folder in the dedicated server directory with no luck. 


Thanks in advance.

Edited by OysterMaker
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There is other file in mod directory you need to setup mods in it first:

...\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server\mods\dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua


Then you need enable that mod in modoverrides.lua

return { ["workshop-523764026"] = {enabled=true } }


But you should use different folder for server.

Make shortcut from the exe file of DST server and set this run option,

-persistent_storage_root C:\dstserver -conf_dir dstserver_config

then you will have save and everything else in C:\dstserver\dstserver_config\Cluster_1\Master

or you can pick different location.

I just enabled a mod so it works for sure.

Edited by _Q_
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