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Help with wooden thing?

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So I've survived 315 days in my normal sandbox world, and I've already done adventure mode via maxwell's door, but I've always wondered what the wooden thing does. When you go through maxwell's door, you need to find all 4 things and activate them with the wooden thing to go to the next chapter, but what does the Wooden thing do when you use it in sandbox mode? I know I keep learnt recipes, structures built and my inventory, but where do I actually go? very confused as to what the wooden thing does in sandbox mode. if it teleports me to a new world, am i able to track down the wooden thing again and go to another world just like in adventure mode??? If so, what is the best world to settle down in? All your help is very much appreciated


Edit: Also what items should I be taking with me? I'd pre build everything possible aswell, but the most rare items that come to mind are my Tam, walking cane and puffy vest, id also be taking harder to obtain materials like bunny puffs or whatever

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Yes, if you go through it you will get a new world (new map) with resources regenerated.


Your calendar/clock will indicate 2-1 for Day 1 in that new world, 2-2 for Day 2, etc. If you jump into another thing in the 2nd world, you will get a new map and it will be marked as 3-1, 3-2, ...


People say to take non-renewable resources. Maybe fireflies? I'd say gold or rocks or nitre but they're all renewable with a mole farm in ROG now. And I haven't played in a while. Haha. Maybe others have better tips on what is non-renewable nowadays.

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But is it like adventure mode? when i go to a new world will it be like starting a new game only with the stuff i bring with me, or is it like adventure mode and you start at the world, "a cold reception"

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It's a new sandbox world you go too. It's like you'll start a brand new game, only you get to bring some starter stuff. It's meant for people who want to keep their survival streak but don't like/have grown bored of/have destroyed their current sandbox world.

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