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A question about moleworms and solid grounds.

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I couldn't find answers anywhere on the internet so I decided to ask here.


I recently had trouble with moleworms, it seems they can dig through solid/syntetic grounds. (I tried checkered/wooden/carpeted flooring and stone turf)


Before reporting it as a bug, I wanted to be sure, maybe it is normal.


I'll just add that, even if it is normal, it doesn't feel right to me, I thought the main purpose of floorings was too keep wild things away.


Well, thank you for your time !

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The main purpose of floorings is decor. They have no point.

Well, yes and no.

Some of the floors prevent plants from growing in your base (lureplants for example).

Anyone have lureplants in your base during spring? It's happen to me too often and they always grew in the same spot (next to the firepit)

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Well, yes and no.

Some of the floors prevent plants from growing in your base (lureplants for example).

Anyone have lureplants in your base during spring? It's happen to me too often and they always grew in the same spot (next to the firepit)


Lureplants spawn next to path tiles or tiles with paths, as they are commonly used be the player. And yes, I forgot that certain turfs prevent lureplants.

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So the answer is that it is not a bug? :-)


It's not a bug, it's an oversight, an annoyance.



Lureplants spawn next to path tiles or tiles with paths, as they are commonly used be the player.



@Weirdobob. Huh, can you show me some evidence for that? I never heard of it before.

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local function LogPlayerLocation(playerinst, playerdata)    if #playerdata.trail >= MAX_TRAIL then        table.remove(playerdata.trail, 1)    end    local pos = Vector3(playerinst.Transform:GetWorldPosition())    for i, v in ipairs(playerdata.trail) do        if pos:DistSq(v[1]) < 1600 and VALID_TILES[_map:GetTileAtPoint(pos:Get())] ~= nil then            --You're close to an old point. Just make that point more likely to be a spawn location.            v[2] = math.min(v[2] + 0.2, MAX_WEIGHT)            return        end    end    --If you got past the for loop then this is a new point. Add it to the list!    table.insert(playerdata.trail, { pos, 0.01 })end

Here you go O__O


From: data\scripts\components\lureplantspawner.lua

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