Character that can only eat veggies

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A vegetarian character would in some ways be much harder to play as than a carnivorous character like wigfrid. Not only are meaty foods the most filling in the game, crockpot recipes that have even a little meat become "meat-based". To top that off, meat tends to last longer than veggies. 

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A vegetarian character, eh? Exactly how difficult this would be depends on what kind of vegetarian we're talking about.

Pescatarian: Fish, fruits, vegetables, eggs and animal products like honey.

Lacto-ovo vegetarian: Fruits, vegetables, eggs and animal products.

Vegan: Fruits and vegetables only.

Raw Vegan: Uncooked fruits and vegetables only.

But if we're talking about a lacto-ovo vegetarian, it wouldn't change my playstyle that much. I mainly subsist off of dragonpie, stuffed eggplant and bacon/eggs, so I'd probably survive. Pescatarian would be really interesting because it'd close off a ton of recipes but you'd still be able to eat fish tacos, fishsticks and unagi.

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Pescatarian: Fish, fruits, vegetables, eggs and animal products like honey.

I think this would be the best option for making a vegetarian possible but the only problem would be winter cause nothing grows and you can't fish I think the only thing you would be able to last on would be seeds unless they made a heat o meter. And I would like there to be a vegetarian character cause it might be fun and challenging but the problems I listed make them not possible. Unless some vegetarians can last off eggs then maybe ?

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I think this would be the best option for making a vegetarian possible but the only problem would be winter cause nothing grows and you can't fish I think the only thing you would be able to last on would be seeds unless they made a heat o meter. And I would like there to be a vegetarian character cause it might be fun and challenging but the problems I listed make them not possible. Unless some vegetarians can last off eggs then maybe ?


Good point. It will be fun to have to stockpile your food in the fridge before winter comes. Hardcore mode. Maybe a benefit of this character can help with stockpiling. Maybe starts with a lot of manure, like Pig Pen on Charlie Brown. xD Or perhaps an ice character where food doesn't spoil as quick when it's on him.

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