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[HELP] Body particles bug(?)

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Edited few things? Check. Not crashing? Check.

Added few things? Check. Not crashing? Check.


Replaced few body images? Check. Not crashing? Check.

Wait... what?



Am I missing something? Or maybe someone can expand this thing to me?

Creating art

Remember, you need an image editor with transparency support!

All edits to images will automatically compile except for modicon.png. This is what we need TEX Tools for. If you decide to draw a new modicon, use TEXCreator to convert from .png to .tex.


The images in the bigportraits and images folders are meant to be automatically compiled by the autocompiler. You can also use png.exe in the mod_tools folder if you wish to do it yourself.


Though, if you wish to use TEXTools for these instead, convert the .tex files to png first rather than using the ones provided. This is to avoid crashing caused by textures that don't have dimensions of the power of 2.

Now let's take a closer look at how to draw our character's in-game art. Your character's art is in all the folders within the exported folder. Open the .scml with Spriter, which comes with Don't Starve Mod Tools. You can preview the changes you make by opening this. This will save you time as opposed to opening Don't Starve every time you make a change.

The template provided includes all animatable parts, but it's likely the character you wish to make doesn't need a certain part, such as hairpigtails, tail, and/or skirt. Rather than having to edit the .scml to remove these, you can clear out the .png files of these parts. This is why I included the folder esctemplate_cleared. You can simply replace a part with one of these cleared version to "remove" it.

Try not to change the dimensions of any part, unless you absolutely know what your doing. Changing the dimensions of the images will require editing the .scml as well, which includes updating the length and width of a part, and also having to recalculate pivots using this complicated equation if resized from the center of the image:
NewPivot = (OldLength*OldPivot+((NewLength-OldLength)/2))/NewLength
Additionally, this will make updating to future versions of the template a bit more inconvenient.


Don't forget to compile your mod to see the changes.


What I've changed:

  • 1. Swapped hair pigtails and tail with cleared version to "erase" it.
    2. Changed arm lower, arm upper, face, leg and foot.

3. Used autocompiler.exe from mod tools folder.


Any solutions?

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did u open esctemplate.scml with spriter? are the changes correctly in there?

also, i think the autocompiler looks for the changedate of the files, and the erased-files have an old timestamp, this has been a problem for me too. thats why i usually just open the image with gimp and make a quick swipe with the eraser instead.

keep an eye on the autocomiplerwindow and try to spot of its atlasing the new images.

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