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Workshop News


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Yeah, well, that's something that is usually done through classic paypal donations, which anyone can do. We did not need Steam (and subsequently, steam fake currency) to tell us who and how we want to pay, either. Nor is there a reason for them to 'chip in' for some 'quasi service they are providing for paid systems'.


A lot of mods around already accept donations, I bet they will get issues with this mess now too. And a good mod that allows donations would probably get more through them, than forcing people into paywall like this, especially considering the ripoff. Now I don't do that either so I have no 'hard facts', but that should be the way to support them. I'm all for supporting of what you enjoy.


The best part of modding was the feel of open source community built around what you love and support. But I'm just a broken record by now.

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oh i think i take my words back, i didnt watched for community reaction on it, just hear a news.

skyrim modders community is splitting. anger, hate and talks about removing other modders content from paid ones.

well its really bad.

sadly authors not thinked about model with two versions of mod and some goes paid-only mode.

its a big mistake

And on other side bethesda, which drops skyrim support after breaking things in last patch, while have tons of problems in game, meshes or even textures. And such company get paid for doing nothing.

Well now i hope that klei not going to do same with workshop, since alot of mods aoready here and they are free, its probably not happened :-)

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I'm glad the Steam Team undid their madness there, but it's not quite over. Most likely they'll seek out a fresh scene to try some related concepts.


lol saint

not even in hell


Exactly, they'll sneak the stuff in where it won't cause this big of an outcry and in time will make it a new norm.


Even after denying the worth or very existence of open source communities and claiming that "money is how the community steers work", people will still flock to praise him and forget. That's why it will come back to stay.


lol saint

not even in hell


Nah no hell's deep enough for that.

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