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something so amazing that i had to make this post

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wwwwwelp. i just had the derpiest godamn situation in don't staarve that anyone has ever had ever: so the deerclops approached, and i ran into a beefalo herd with my chester. he killed or froze every beefalo of like 20. since it was still winter, i nearly froze to death trying to fight him. now deerclops was quite low on hp from the 20 or so beefalo attacking him already, and he killed my chester, thus dropping my fire staff on the ground. now i know what you are thinking: "i bet you killed him with the last use on your fire staff?" nope, i burned every bit of the beefalo fur that dropped from the beefalo, and lured him into the patch of burning corpses, and the deercops died from the 50-odd burning fur pieces surrounding him. I CALL THAT A WIN. also i had 18 hp at the end of this and i was wigfrid and i will update this with further info once i have either died or made it to spring. also, i took a screenshot, but only a bit after at nightfall, showing me with the 4 or so beefalo horns, the deerclops eyeball in my inv, and the 40 meat that i had left after i ate some to restore a bit of hp. so sorry if that isnt enough evidence that i am the herp-derpiest dipshit to ever not starve, but whatevs.


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