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Aka Crow’s Wonderful Thread of Stories

 (and the scribbling’s of other plebeians)


Greetings fellow patrons of the creative side of the forums! This wonderfully crafted intro won’t help you with anything so you might as well just skip this part. I bet you have many questions, and probably many more by the end of my charade. But bear with me, for I will probably answer many questions by the time I’m finished.


Do you have characters you haven’t been able to use in roleplays, back stories you weren't able to crank out through context? Or whole alternate stories for your characters that you might want to share? I know I do, so why not make a thread where I can do all that stuff? So I said, “Hey, might as well let other people post their things too!”


So basically you can write whatever you want. Be it a story about a character, ideas for new characters, drawings of characters, things you liked about characters, just lots of stuff about characters. I'll be writing pretty much all the things I've said above. I'll also post character bio's of my characters in "The Orchestra" revealing various things about characters that you don't see throughout the story. Remember to be creative and don’t be afraid to post something, nobody will judge and we all feel the same way.


If you have any questions, just ask. And if you are writing a story that includes other people’s characters, you might want to let them know just so they don’t get defensive. Just have fun!





(A story about the origins of Kalus and the Abyss from "The Orchestra")




This room; this small dungeon chamber distorted the very course of history, twisting mankind; removing the shroud to reveal the ugliest side of human nature, which set into motion the true events that would bring about darkness; consuming the light. This room… is where the darkest darkness was born.


Sanity is dwindling, and the flame has been twisted by darkness in its attempt to fight back the night. With the failure, faith is fading alongside the age of prosperity. All avenues to purify the flame have been exhausted; all but one. There is still a powerful being that remains – the soul of light – believed to be held in the sacred tree of an ancient human city, Paluster.


        Chapter I


“Paluster has brought darkness upon itself. Fooled by the once trusted flame, they opened the grave beneath the tree. What could they have been thinking?”


The twisted flame would be the one to persuade the Knights of Paluster to open the tomb beneath the tree. The humans believed the flame could be trusted, a grave mistake, for it had already been warped by its struggle against the night. But what were its intentions?  Did it believe that by convincing the humans to open the tomb, the darkness could be repelled back? Or was it a desperate attempt to rid itself of its inner insanity by using the soul’s power to heal itself? It matters not what the flames reasoning was for opening the tomb. Ultimately, the outcome would benefit neither.


Chapter II


Kalus’ hate spewed darkness, a dying light, further endangering the already-fleeting fire. And his rage corrupted humans by driving their minds wild with insanity; changing the course of darkness in the process. But, before Kalus was the harbinger of the Abyss, he was simply a man; a man who rested in peace.


Attracted to the powers of his enlightened soul, the Knights of Paluster uprooted Kalus; placing him even deeper beneath the tree; in the bowels of the tumulus. This would become a perilous place Kalus wishes he could efface from his memory.


Chapter III


The tortures he suffered here are unspeakable; torments of both a mental and physical nature. Kalus was assaulted, often to death, but the tree kept him from dying permanently; making it easy to continue torture after his body had deteriorated. And when his body could tolerate no more, the attack on his mind would begin. Paluster Knight’s magic is manipulative and illusionary in place of physical. With most malevolent trickery; the vile humans created false images; twisting Kalus’ perception of reality; pushing his mind to the brink.


Kalus was tethered to reality by the smallest of threads. He had kept a pendant, a symbol of a time when he could remember kindness. The pendant and the thoughts it conjured brought him the faintest of happiness. In the seldom moments of solitude, free of torture, Kalus would think of his forgotten joy; and fantasize of escape. But the memories wash away as hopelessness overwhelms him, causing him to strike the wall of his prison. Again. Then again. And what was once a moment of frustrating defeat turns into a delusion of hope; a futile attempt to escape. He prays his will alone is powerful enough to crumble the wall. Kalus swings until his arm can no longer move; he swings until the pain is all that is left.


Chapter IV


Each day Kalus tries and fails to escape, and each day the knights return. But similar to any other day, in the mists of blood and suffering, one knight notices the pendant buried within soot and dirt in a pathetic attempt of concealment. It is a locket of sorts, of mythical origin, able to manifest memories. But this is no place for nostalgia, only torment can be found in these walls. With the pendant gone, something changed within Kalus; he resents his kin. Little by little the foul people of Paluster were distorting as well, for Kalus was an ancient human and all parties were unaware of his great influence over humanity. Kalus' pain was so powerful it was beginning to mark those around him. It would seem evil breeds evil. Over time, the Knights of Paluster were beginning to go mad. Their magic was altering with their minds; turning dark and physical, characteristic of the torture they performed on Kalus.


"Seduced by the twisted flame or not, Paluster awoke that thing themselves and drove it mad. One’s demise is always one’s own making."


Chapter V


No complex emotions are needed now; his mind is primal; abstract – only shapes that once resembled emotion remain. Rage and survival are all that matter, and escape is the route to both. Kalus stands in front of the wall one last time and begins to smack the worn flesh of his fists against the grime-covered brick. The sound of cracking was apparent, whether the sounds origin is bones or the brick is indistinguishable. That was, until the wall crumbled in his mad furry; revealing an enormous cavern, with a darkness below; an Abyss. The black void was calling to him. Did Kalus’ hatred create the Abyss below, or was it there all along; feeding on his anguish; transforming him, preparing him for this moment? Kalus looks back at the prison that once held him, now torn asunder; recognizing then what the chamber truly was – a cocoon; a shell to contain his strife, his strength, his metamorphosis.


Blind to any other alternative, he moves toward the Abyss. Kalus did not choose this path; he was forced down into the darkness.


Character Bios

Turner, by me:
Name: T.U.R.N.E.R


Gender: N/A

Age: N/A

Race: Robot



Turner was built to serve. He was the personal servant for the person who built him. Turner was used to entertain, serve, and protect guests at his owner’s mansion. After the apocalypse, Turner protected his owner until he died. Turner now lies dormant until someone or something interacts with him. He is powered through shutting down and recharging through heat energy.


Turner is practically a big tool. He has various tools and weapons built into his arms, a radio installed, and many memory devices within him. He can tell you practically any information you need and store any information you need. Here’s a list of uses: storage system, memory circuit, personality drives, various tools and weapons, radio, and other stuff.

With the many functions Turner has, he also has some dysfunctions. He’s heavy, so he sinks in water. He’s slow, so it takes him longer than usual to get places. His program is still set to his previous owner, so technical words and commands may be hard to understand. He’s loud, so forget stealth around him. And on top of all that, he has some faulty wiring, so he may unexpectedly do something stupid or shut down without warning. He is weak to extended periods of time in water, electricity, and his faulty wiring.


(Think of a Dwemer Centurion from Skyrim, but smaller)

Standing around 7 feet tall and weighing 600 pounds, Turner is not something you want to mess with. He is clanky, and has a constant exhaust spewing from his shoulder vents.


Weirdo, by Weirdobob:

my OC is weirdo. he is a tall, skinny man, sports a suit with a tie that changes colors during the day cycles, and has a white mask with nothing more than a question mark on it. He likes waffle fries, making Mena angry, apologizing to Mena, hugging Mena, a spider named Olivia, and REALLY likes sharp pains. *cough*


There is also weirdo's shadow, Joe. Joe is taller than weirdo (though not by much) and has very long hair. She is also rather curvaceous although not overweight. Her full name is Joesephine. Spelt like that.


Half, by Halved:

My OC Half is a doublefaced, insecure, confused creature.

The white part rappresents his arrogant, violent and insecure personality.
The black part rappresents his sad, confused, shy, sweet and once again insecure personality.
Because of his insecurity he keeps switching personalities/emotions.

The cockroach on my head is called Anxiety and she works kinda like a ribbon, symbol of a sneaky gender confusion.

Half is an Other, neither a male or female. You can address to him as he, she, it or even they.


Eris, by MenaAthena:

 Name: Eris

Race: Human
Age: 19

Master Illusionist: Eris has the gift of illusions. Literally anything she can think of she can create for others enjoyment or terror; what ever she feels like doing with you that day.
Trick of the Mind: Because of the nature of her illusions and the human mind, some small perceived effects can occur. (Ex. Eris creates the illusion of fire. Another person feels heat coming from it even though there isn't any.) The amount of perceived effects depend on the mental stability of the person watching.

Just a Trick: While the illusions she makes are convincing, they can't actually effect reality in any way. Fires don't burn, lights don't drive away the darkness, gigantic four headed dragons don't bite. If anyone were to figure this out Eris would be defenseless, so every trick is basically a huge bluff; which, fortunately for her, she's good at making. 
The Line: Having practiced her ability for a large part of her life and knowing the illusions she makes aren't real, she is immune to her own trickery. That is, until rationality goes out the window. When her mind starts to go kaput the line between reality and illusion blurs for her. She could end up charging into danger thinking it's simply a projection of her mind, or like wise develop a god complex thinking that reality bends to her will.

Backstory: Now where's the fun in telling you right away?  ;)

Appearance: I'm still working on this. I'll probably work it out by drawing, but here's what I've decided so far. She has one green eye and one blue eye, long orange-red hair, and dresses rather extravagantly with bold show-offy colors. I may post a picture here if I draw her.

Personality: Deceitful and manipulative, Eris doesn't view people as people, but instead as characters in a story that she can manipulate to her whim and then discard when they get boring. Morality means nothing to her. She will lie, kill, torture, and drive to insanity simply because she feels like it, or, if you're lucky, she could work on your side until she becomes bored of it. 

She's a villain/neutral evil in case you couldn't tell. Any feedback would be appreciated.


Gears, by Blazingice:

Name - Gears

Gender - Female?

Race - Human?

Age - 15?


Abilities -


Uncanny Engineering - Gears is often able to complete feats of engineering only someone insane would even attempt, her mind constantly swarms with ideas that shouldn't work, but when Gears trys them, she somehow succeeds every time.


Master Mathematician - Gears is just as much of a prodigy with math as she is with engineering, she's often able to make calculations in her head that others would take minutes with pencil and paper to do, and as such, usually focuses her talents towards aiding her first ability


Morally Bankrupt -

Gears has about as much patience for concepts such as "emotions" and "morals" as she does for country music.

That is to say.



Horribly Misunderstood - Gears has the habit of explaining her ideas in ways that sound totally insane to anyone but her. Although, often this is because said ideas would be insane should anyone except Gears attempt them.


??? -


Appearance - Working on this, sort of a steam-punk theme maybe possibly?




Carter, by KidneyBeanBoy:

 Name: Carter

Age: 14

Species: Lizardfolk


Backstory: Carter just sorta started existing at some point. Even he doesn't know when. He just was running around when he noticed that he had no idea where he was or what the heck he was doing. Since then he nomaded around screwing with people for entertainment.


Ability- PsychoportativeCarter can levitate over ground (and ground only), teleport to any unblocked location within sight range, and very rarely fly. However this all works on a "psychic mana meter" of sorts where overuse of these abilities can burn them out for up to a week.


Disability-Cold: Carter is cold-blooded, and as a result tires quickly in cold areas. However this does not infer a resistance to heat.






(Sorry, not my best work.)



The first time you meet him, Carter will try to screw you over. Nothing against you, he just likes screwing with people. If you ignore whatever mildly aggravating thing he did to you for whatever reason, he's a nice guy. He's quite laid back, and very slightly rougish.






Since the Creation of the Islands, thousands of creatures, plants, creaplants, and plantures, have come and gone in accordance with their natural instincts. Others, however, haven't been so lucky. Many accursed who are transported to the islands believe them to the only things capable of losing their sanity, their grace. Unfortunately, they're wrong. Every now and then, when an area's puppet remains alive and well, the "Natural" shadows become starved, and must prey soon. This is when they chose a creature that'd be the most "Interesting", capture it, and warp it with their magics, sending it to either kill the player, or drive them crazy, in some cases by mere appearance. Once the hunger is sated, they repair the being they warped, to make the process of feeding on a new host more interesting. 


Unfortunately, sometimes they are simply cast asside, forgotten. These creatures, when left unattended, become hazardous to the surrounding world. This is where the being becomes Wretched.


Usually, a Wretched becomes a complete contrast to their natural born life. Small, lovely birds become terrifying vultures, Dim-witted Pigs become aggressive Boars, and Fluffy Rabbits become Vengeful Rat-like creatures. 


Here are a few Recorded Wretched's.


Wretched Pig: Usually subjects become larger, the humps on their backs grow, and they grow much larger tusks. They also gain a major speed boost, and are capable of charging at extreme speeds, trampling everything in their path. 


Wretched Bird: What would normally be small, average sized birds, instead become monstrous hawks that take to the skies, watching for prey to descend upon. Their diet changes from seeds to meat. 


Wretched Spider: Wretched Spiders eye's turn yellow with red oval pupils, gain an extra pair of eyes, and have the ability to leap, regardless of it's size or not. Perhaps its most drastic change is it's ability to create very large web traps, and it will attempt to cling to prey, stabbing them with it's poison tipped legs until the prey dies.


Wretched Hound: Subjects become much more Wolf-like, and gain a very high agility. They usually hunt in packs with a minimum of 7, yet there have been cases with up to 30. If a horde is found, it is highly recommended to avoid them unless bearing strong armor, weapons, and/or allies.


Wretched Minotaur: The Minotaur alone is a dangerous foe. For it go gain additional size, strength, and even more speed is creation of a living super weapon. It also gains a pair of 6 large hand-like legs compared to it's original stubby legs. In a devastating case, one charged and rammed straight into a 12-foot thick across cave pillar, yet kept charging, and broke through with only minor injuries. It's main weakness is to cling onto it's back, and stab it in it's pink weakpoint until it dies.


Wretched are very hard to fight with a simple spear and armor. Many puppets have fallen due to their powerful nature, and only few ever become killed. However, there two main weaknesses is their weakness to magic, and the fact that very few ever elude the shadows shrouding the island. However, Contact with them should be avoided at all costs.

Edited by CloakofCrow
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Well here's Turner's description (from 'The Orchestra') to keep it simple at first, just to keep you guys busy while I write better things.


Name: T.U.R.N.E.R


Gender: N/A

Age: N/A

Race: Robot



Turner was built to serve. He was the personal servant for the person who built him. Turner was used to entertain, serve, and protect guests at his owner’s mansion. After the apocalypse, Turner protected his owner until he died. Turner now lies dormant until someone or something interacts with him. He is powered through shutting down and recharging through heat energy.


Turner is practically a big tool. He has various tools and weapons built into his arms, a radio installed, and many memory devices within him. He can tell you practically any information you need and store any information you need. Here’s a list of uses: storage system, memory circuit, personality drives, various tools and weapons, radio, and other stuff.

With the many functions Turner has, he also has some dysfunctions. He’s heavy, so he sinks in water. He’s slow, so it takes him longer than usual to get places. His program is still set to his previous owner, so technical words and commands may be hard to understand. He’s loud, so forget stealth around him. And on top of all that, he has some faulty wiring, so he may unexpectedly do something stupid or shut down without warning. He is weak to extended periods of time in water, electricity, and his faulty wiring.


(Think of a Dwemer Centurion from Skyrim, but smaller)

Standing around 7 feet tall and weighing 600 pounds, Turner is not something you want to mess with. He is clanky, and has a constant exhaust spewing from his shoulder vents.

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Well that reaction was... unexpected...

I was about to draw a picture of me huddled in a corner rambling insane rants.


Then I remembered I'm a really, really, really bad artist.




Edited by Blazingice26
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Yup! Even if it's MLP or Sonic.


oh, gross.




my OC is weirdo. he is a tall, skinny man, sports a suit with a tie that changes colors during the day cycles, and has a white mask with nothing more than a question mark on it. He likes waffle fries, making Mena angry, apologising to Mena, hugging Mena, a spider named Olivia, and REALLY likes sharp pains. *cough*


There is also weirdo's shadow, Joe. Joe is taller than weirdo (though not by much) and has very long hair. She is also rather curvaceous although not overweight. Her full name is Joesephine. Spelt like that.

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My OC Half is a doublefaced, insecure, confused creature.

The white part rappresents his arrogant, violent and insecure personality.

The black part rappresents his sad, confused, shy, sweet and once again insecure personality.

Because of his insecurity he keeps switching personalities/emotions.

The cockroach on my head is called Anxiety and she works kinda like a ribbon, symbol of a sneaky gender confusion.

Half is an Other, neither a male or female. You can address to him as he, she, it or even they.

Edited by Halved
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(A story about the origins of Kalus and the Abyss from "The Orchestra")



This room; this small dungeon chamber distorted the very course of history, twisting mankind; removing the shroud to reveal the ugliest side of human nature, which set into motion the true events that would bring about darkness; consuming the light. This room… is where the darkest darkness was born.


Sanity is dwindling, and the flame has been twisted by darkness in its attempt to fight back the night. With the failure, faith is fading alongside the age of prosperity. All avenues to purify the flame have been exhausted; all but one. There is still a powerful being that remains – the soul of light – believed to be held in the sacred tree of an ancient human city, Paluster.



Edited by CloakofCrow
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I'm having a bit of writers block, so instead have a character I've been working on.

Name: Eris

Race: Human

Age: 19


Master Illusionist: Eris has the gift of illusions. Literally anything she can think of she can create for others enjoyment or terror; what ever she feels like doing with you that day.

Trick of the Mind: Because of the nature of her illusions and the human mind, some small perceived effects can occur. (Ex. Eris creates the illusion of fire. Another person feels heat coming from it even though there isn't any.) The amount of perceived effects depend on the mental stability of the person watching.


Just a Trick: While the illusions she makes are convincing, they can't actually effect reality in any way. Fires don't burn, lights don't drive away the darkness, gigantic four headed dragons don't bite. If anyone were to figure this out Eris would be defenseless, so every trick is basically a huge bluff; which, fortunately for her, she's good at making.

The Line: Having practiced her ability for a large part of her life and knowing the illusions she makes aren't real, she is immune to her own trickery. That is, until rationality goes out the window. When her mind starts to go kaput the line between reality and illusion blurs for her. She could end up charging into danger thinking it's simply a projection of her mind, or like wise develop a god complex thinking that reality bends to her will.

Backstory: Now where's the fun in telling you right away? ;)

Appearance: I'm still working on this. I'll probably work it out by drawing, but here's what I've decided so far. She has one green eye and one blue eye, long orange-red hair, and dresses rather extravagantly with bold show-offy colors. I may post a picture here if I draw her.

Personality: Deceitful and manipulative, Eris doesn't view people as people, but instead as characters in a story that she can manipulate to her whim and then discard when they get boring. Morality means nothing to her. She will lie, kill, torture, and drive to insanity simply because she feels like it, or, if you're lucky, she could work on your side until she becomes bored of it.

She's a villain/neutral evil in case you couldn't tell. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Edited by MenaAthena
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She should have another disability to where overuse of her illusions starts messing with her mind. She starts seeing the things she has been using which makes her even more crazy. Doing this would make her more of a chaotic evil/neutral but hey, just throwing ideas out there.


(Also, edited the prologue to Resonance.)

Edited by CloakofCrow
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She should have another disability to where overuse of her illusions starts messing with her mind. She starts seeing the things she has been using which makes her even more crazy. Doing this would make her more of a chaotic evil/neutral but hey, just throwing ideas out there.

(Also, edited the prologue to Resonance.)

I didn't give her that, but you did give me an idea that I edited in.
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Gotta go to bed soon, so might as well try n make an original Creature type.





Since the Creation of the Islands, thousands of creatures, plants, creaplants, and plantures, have come and gone in accordance with their natural instincts. Others, however, haven't been so lucky. Many accursed who are transported to the islands believe them to the only things capable of losing their sanity, their grace. Unfortunately, they're wrong. Every now and then, when an area's puppet remains alive and well, the "Natural" shadows become starved, and must prey soon. This is when they chose a creature that'd be the most "Interesting", capture it, and warp it with their magics, sending it to either kill the player, or drive them crazy, in some cases by mere appearance. Once the hunger is sated, they repair the being they warped, to make the process of feeding on a new host more interesting. 


Unfortunately, sometimes they are simply cast asside, forgotten. These creatures, when left unattended, become hazardous to the surrounding world. This is where the being becomes Wretched.


Usually, a Wretched becomes a complete contrast to their natural born life. Small, lovely birds become terrifying vultures, Dim-witted Pigs become aggressive Boars, and Fluffy Rabbits become Vengeful Rat-like creatures. 


Here are a few Recorded Wretched's.


Wretched Pig: Usually subjects become larger, the humps on their backs grow, and they grow much larger tusks. They also gain a major speed boost, and are capable of charging at extreme speeds, trampling everything in their path. 


Wretched Bird: What would normally be small, average sized birds, instead become monstrous hawks that take to the skies, watching for prey to descend upon. Their diet changes from seeds to meat. 


Wretched Spider: Wretched Spiders eye's turn yellow with red oval pupils, gain an extra pair of eyes, and have the ability to leap, regardless of it's size or not. Perhaps its most drastic change is it's ability to create very large web traps, and it will attempt to cling to prey, stabbing them with it's poison tipped legs until the prey dies.


Wretched Hound: Subjects become much more Wolf-like, and gain a very high agility. They usually hunt in packs with a minimum of 7, yet there have been cases with up to 30. If a horde is found, it is highly recommended to avoid them unless bearing strong armor, weapons, and/or allies.


Wretched Minotaur: The Minotaur alone is a dangerous foe. For it go gain additional size, strength, and even more speed is creation of a living super weapon. It also gains a pair of 6 large hand-like legs compared to it's original stubby legs. In a devastating case, one charged and rammed straight into a 12-foot thick across cave pillar, yet kept charging, and broke through with only minor injuries. It's main weakness is to cling onto it's back, and stab it in it's pink weakpoint until it dies.


Wretched are very hard to fight with a simple spear and armor. Many puppets have fallen due to their powerful nature, and only few ever become killed. However, there two main weaknesses is their weakness to magic, and the fact that very few ever elude the shadows shrouding the island. However, Contact with them should be avoided at all costs.



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Woo, characters.


Name - Gears

Gender - Female?

Race - Human?

Age - 15?


Abilities -


Uncanny Engineering - Gears is often able to complete feats of engineering only someone insane would even attempt, her mind constantly swarms with ideas that shouldn't work, but when Gears trys them, she somehow succeeds every time.


Master Mathematician - Gears is just as much of a prodigy with math as she is with engineering, she's often able to make calculations in her head that others would take minutes with pencil and paper to do, and as such, usually focuses her talents towards aiding her first ability


Morally Bankrupt -

Gears has about as much patience for concepts such as "emotions" and "morals" as she does for country music.

That is to say.



Horribly Misunderstood - Gears has the habit of explaining her ideas in ways that sound totally insane to anyone but her. Although, often this is because said ideas would be insane should anyone except Gears attempt them.


??? -


Appearance - Working on this, sort of a steam-punk theme maybe



(I'm bad at making disabilities. ;~ ;)

Edited by Blazingice26
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        Chapter I


“Paluster has brought darkness upon itself. Fooled by the once trusted flame, they opened the grave beneath the tree. What could they have been thinking?”


The twisted flame would be the one to persuade the Knights of Paluster to open the tomb beneath the tree. The humans believed the flame could be trusted, a grave mistake, for it had already been warped by its struggle against the night. But what were its intentions?  Did it believe that by convincing the humans to open the tomb, the darkness could be repelled back? Or was it a desperate attempt to rid itself of its inner insanity by using the soul’s power to heal itself? It matters not what the flames reasoning was for opening the tomb. Ultimately, the outcome would benefit neither. 

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I suppose I shall contribute to this.


Name: Carter

Age: 14

Species: Lizardfolk


Backstory: Carter just sorta started existing at some point. Even he doesn't know when. He just was running around when he noticed that he had no idea where he was or what the heck he was doing. Since then he nomaded around screwing with people for entertainment.


Ability- PsychoportativeCarter can levitate over ground (and ground only), teleport to any unblocked location within sight range, and very rarely fly. However this all works on a "psychic mana meter" of sorts where overuse of these abilities can burn them out for up to a week.


Disability-Cold: Carter is cold-blooded, and as a result tires quickly in cold areas. However this does not infer a resistance to heat.






(Sorry, not my best work.)



The first time you meet him, Carter will try to screw you over. Nothing against you, he just likes screwing with people. If you ignore whatever mildly aggravating thing he did to you for whatever reason, he's a nice guy. He's quite laid back, and very slightly rougish.

Edited by KidneyBeanBoy
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