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So Proud!

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After Never managing to get past day 60 in ROG, I have finally made it to day 100 with Webber! Even after i forgot to put fuel in my flingomatic and all my machines and structures burnt in summer, and a bearger attack in my 2nd autumn that wiped out my pigs, im still alive. Not to mention several tree guards that made me use one of my resurrection stones. Go me!


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I remeber when I made it to day 100 in RoG the first time.
I also played with webber. Well, I suicided at day 100,
because on day 99 one single chest burnt, the chest with the old
bell. A mole grabed it destoyed my base. After that I took
the bell, a weather pain and some other stuff and terrorized
the pigs and then I killed myself.


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Always died to frogs in Spring.

In my best world with 230+ days (I still have it but haven't played on it for some time now) I settled down near some beehives
and when frog rain starts I just go to the bees, wait until dusk and collect the meat and honey.
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