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[Scripting] get moon phase?

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Ah that's great, I was gonna ask about moonphases, and here it is. Thanks


Edit: Do you any way to change the moon state in-game, as in to test if the thing is working properly at the moonphase u wanted?

Edited by Aquaterion
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@Kzisor Is there a way to check day/dusk/night with a function rather than with an event listener?


figured this one out, haven't found one for moon phases. turns out making one isn't that easy, either.



EDIT: for day/dusk/night:



a variable that will be "day", "dusk", or "night".

Edited by Woodside235
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@Woodside235, you can get the moonphase by listening for the moon phase change.


local function OnMoonPhaseChange(inst, moonphase)endinst:ListenForEvent("moonphasechanged", function OnMoonPhaseChange) 



I did exactly like this but 

inst:ListenForEvent("moonphasechanged", OnMoonPhaseChanged)

as when I put function it just doesn't work. I tried severly things to try and make it work.

The Listener is not working.

I'm putting the listener in "local function fn()" on a monster next to it's other listeners

But OnMoonPhaseChanged never gets called. I put a "print("MoonPhase Called") inOnMoonPhaseChanged but it never got printed while the one before did(I had one do the event when it's night rather than when it's a moon phase of some sort.

Do you know what could be wrong?

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Aquaterion, I've got no clue because that's the event being pushed.


_world:PushEvent("moonphasechanged", MOON_PHASE_NAMES[_moonphase:value()]


Yea, I've checked that file too, I'm not sure what's wrong. Do you think that this is required at the top require "prefabutil" ? I saw it on shadow chester and he uses TheWorld.state.isfullmoon to transform.


Do you know if there is TheWorld.state.isnewmoon or something? Since I wanna test if it works, I want it to be the first moon phase and I'm not sure if it's isnewmoon


Edit: Just checked the worldstate file, and found this:


local function OnMoonPhaseChanged(src, moonphase)
    SetVariable("isfullmoon", moonphase == "full")

inst:ListenForEvent("moonphasechanged", OnMoonPhaseChanged)

I'm completely clueless on what i'm doing wrong now.. what I'm doing wrong anymore.

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Yea, I've checked that file too, I'm not sure what's wrong. Do you think that this is required at the top require "prefabutil" ? I saw it on shadow chester and he uses TheWorld.state.isfullmoon to transform.


Do you know if there is TheWorld.state.isnewmoon or something? Since I wanna test if it works, I want it to be the first moon phase and I'm not sure if it's isnewmoon


The only moonphase which has a variable is full moon. You could technically alter the file to make more have variables, but listening for that event should work. May I ask if you are the host or client? 


Alternatively you could try changing inst to src in the OnMoonChanged function to see if that works. Check out the worldstate.lua component for details.

Edited by Kzisor
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Well I'm making the mod myself so I would be the host yes?


Edit: This is the code that involves the moonphasechange, maybe you can inspect it and see if I done anything wrong:


local function OnMoonPhaseChanged(inst, moonphase)	print("Checking Moon Phase...")		print(moonphase)    if moonphase == "new" then		--Set Things to second state.		print("A New Moon has been reached!")  else		print("There is no New Moon!")        --Set Things to default state.  endendinst:ListenForEvent("moonphasechanged", OnMoonPhaseChanged)
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Well I'm making the mod myself so I would be the host yes?


Edit: This is the code that involves the moonphasechange, maybe you can inspect it and see if I done anything wrong:


local function OnMoonPhaseChanged(inst, moonphase)	print("Checking Moon Phase...")		print(moonphase)    if moonphase == "new" then		--Set Things to second state.		print("A New Moon has been reached!")  else		print("There is no New Moon!")        --Set Things to default state.  endendinst:ListenForEvent("moonphasechanged", OnMoonPhaseChanged)


Try changing inst to src and see if it will run properly.

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Working Code:

local assets......
local function PhaseChange(inst, phase)
if phase == "night" and TheWorld.state.isfullmoon then

local function fn()
inst:WatchWorldState("phase", PhaseChange)
return Prefab("cave/monsters/monkey", fn, assets, prefabs)

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@Aquaterion, change the ListenForEvent line to the following:


TheWorld:ListenForEvent("moonphasechanged", OnMoonPhaseChanged) 



It gave a different error due to the fact that it no longer has inst, so it's not sending the inst over but the prints before the if moonphase = "new" appeared, so that fixed 1 thing, but broke another, where do i add inst now?

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@Aquaterion, replace inst with self. 


local function OnMoonPhaseChanged(inst, moonphase)
    print("Moon Checking Powers Activate!")
    if moonphase == "new" then
        print("A New Moon has been reached!")
        print("There is no New Moon, or this is not working properly :(")
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I ended up copying the example. My code is:

inst:ListenForEvent("moonphasechanged", OnMoonPhaseChanged, TheWorld)


That Makes the variable in OnMoonPhaseChanged come from TheWorld, most of the time being a Forest with an ID. BLARGHHHH


In game, is there anyway to change time/speed up time? I wanna try something new I wrote but it only works with fullmoons, and waiting 7 to 8 days is gonna be long..

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I got it working with the second code I had planned but was too lazy to wait till a full moon... RIP 4 HOURS


local function PhaseChange(inst, phase)	if phase == "night" and TheWorld.state.isfullmoon then		SetNightmareMonkey(inst)	else		SetNormalMonkey(inst)	endendinst:WatchWorldState("phase", PhaseChange)
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Start server, enter LongUpdate(480*8) in the console.


Also, I read the code, and there is no "new" moonphase, there is only full moon, so it won't work.

What are you trying to do here? Fix Splumonkeys?

Check this mod:


It has splumonkeys working.


What I do for full moon nights is:

local function NightCheck(inst)	if TheWorld.state.isfullmoon then		MyFunction(inst)	endendinst:WatchWorldState("startnight", NightCheck)
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