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Mission Mountain Heist

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I'm supposed to work on an essential module for my newest mod, Industrial Resolution, but instead I played the game. And that with some fun mods of course! However, I sadly found my ice koalefant's remains in my tooth trap pit, the trunk was almost spoiled. "I'm not going to waste yet another magical trunk!" I thought and plotted an operation of great means...


Mission Mountain Heist

Task: Eggcumulation Blue


The plan is simple. Go in, freeze everybody, take the stuff and leave. No casualties. No injuries. No permament damage.



As it turns out, tallbirds aren't as aggressive guards as estimated. Once I gathered them all in proximity, I already found myself stuck in the labyrinthine core of their mountain home. The Mission was a failure.



But despite my armament being replacable and of comparatively little value, I decided to retrieve it in the safety of literacy's night. The trunk turns out to be still utilisable, just about.



I can't satisfice with that, however. So, in the short-lived safety of literal night, I return and cast the spell successfully. I grab what fits in my pockets and run, as not all tallguards froze deep enough.



When coordinating with my colleague, morning already dawns. He counts nine blue treasures, a decent amount. Enough to call it successful.



Before the team can move to the quarters, signs of a enemy's ambush emerge. Quick thinking saves us missionaries, as we cause minor turmoil at the target home base.



Then the foes come out, underestimating the tallguards, as well as a local Neutral.



Interestingly, the local parties have quite a row about everything, while the initial attackers collapse in a heap.



Back at the GraveDiggers Inc outpost. The team evaluates todays success. Ten eggs got retrieved, but unfortunately two casualties could not be avoided in several unexpected interferances by aggressive groups and organisations.




I am planning to hatch and raise the subjects in another mountain range. Before I can do that I must work on the mod though, christmas stress delays it enough already.


Read again.


EDIT: Postprocessing

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