hygiene anyone?

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ive seen how DS became more and more realistic with every update from the first time i played it.. like how i use to stack a lot of rabbits in my chest before winter without even dying and now i cant and many more..


so sanity.. how do you define sanity? for me its the boundary from being human to being a insane(unhuman ^^).


ever experienced having a really hard day, a beaten body and aching muscles? and u badly want some nice warm/hot bath before going to sleep? or taking a shower when you felt your body is becoming dirty..


for example, if you put yourself inside the game like your the wilson or abigail and you have a sustainable food supply and resources, after doing a hard work in the forest or in the rock field the best reward is eating a good food and TAKING A NICE BATH/SHOWER then sleep..


its like your sanity will go down much faster and continuously until get a bath, but not everyday, maybe at least 3-4 days without shower will activate this effect..


*i havent thought about this much, just crossed my mind after playing DS for about 4-5 hours i felt tired and uneasy, so i rest for about an hour and a half then took a bath, and i felt very refreshing like i can play more and better...  just an idea, criticism is allowed

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Sorta would be bad because if you don't get the resources to make it well f**k there goes ur santy and ur done. Either way where would you get the water? Ponds? I agree about the shower think but make it an optional thing like when you build it then you get a cut seen or something like that. Not a bad idea, but just change some things :)

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You could make it an option-able "need" in Don't Starve, as is sleep. Even though humans need sleep in real life, we don't need it in-game.  Hygiene being an option-able "need" you could have a maximum of one shower every two days and it would restore a fraction of your health, sanity, and a percentage of your naughtiness. 


I believe that sounds balanced, and also gives a way to restore naughtiness, even if it is just symbolically.

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How about a max and at max mobs will "smell" you from a longer distance

Nutrual mobs will sence you and do what they do regularly

Hostile mobs will attack you

nice idea...!! especially when you eat a lot.. the stains make a smell that attracts monster and maybe they get berserk mode ahaha 

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well if at start you can use the POND which was stated by @Malk, and maybe theres a chance of damaging your health when you do that cause sea monsters will be able to smell/taste your stench in the water.. especially when you killed a monster or ate berries.. or even when you have food on your inventory, cause of course your going to clean your whole body even your clothes..


this will be very cool if it will get a trailer... better more if it gets adapted ahaha

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How about a max and at max mobs will "smell" you from a longer distance

Nutrual mobs will sence you and do what they do regularly

Hostile mobs will attack you

and maybe if your at least at <50% of your hygiene the pigmen might think, MIGHT think of you as one of them and give you some food, or even protect you when you get attacked(if theyre near), does making friends with them is more easier but, BUT more and more monsters tend to appear and attack you, eventually killing all your pigmen.. not a good tactic eh. ahaha

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