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Changing text?

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I'd like to change two words of Webber's text. How?


1. Make a mod (duh): folder, modinfo, maybe modmain

2. Make a scripts folder

3. Copy speech_webber from data\scripts and paste it here

4. Edit the words you want to change

5. Watch as your game crashes without error log or anything because you messed up somewhere

6. Fix it

7. Playtest


Be aware that this method is incompatible with mods which also change webbers speech like that.


I thin you can change the individual lines in modmain.lua though...


EDIT: Yes we can: GLOBAL.STRINGS.CHARACTERS.WEBBER.DESCRIBE.PREFAB= "PREFAB is the thing you describe, capitalised."


This way, you do not need to override Webbers speech file. Make sure to implement a way the mod autodisables itself or the line of code when RoG is not enabled.


EDITEDIT: Yeah, what plaidman said. I made it more obvious.

To autodisable you can use

dont_starve_compatible = false in modinfo.lua


if IsDLCEnabled(REIGN_OF_GIANTS) then

[strings here]

end in modmain.lua

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