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Server chat & notifications

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This is the suggestion to have a chat.  Being together would not be complete without conversation.  Some People think chat would get in the way, so what if it was minimizable.  Then when a someone says something you can quickly check or check when you are able.  Also will the game have death messages, or at least a way to inform a person of the death of a player.  Could it be in the chat also.  If for some reason chat is not implemented, then could we have those speaker headsets options?  Im kind of worried that one idiot will just yell the entire time, so what if mute is an option. Lastly, with the game making things, will a player have to make an account for multiplayer?   Maybe another site for just DST, or just this site that you can connect your multiplayer account with.  Maybe if a person has steam they can connect to DST, but for standalone people who don't have a steam, would there be a place for them to register? I don't like the idea of one profile per computer, because I have multiple people in my house who like Don't Starve (not as much as me though :wilsondisappointed:  ).

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 I think chat and special info (death, killed giant etc.) will be implemented. And about voice chat... Maybe yes but only with mute option. I might use it to either mute some moron or mute everyone just to have calm play and enjoy game sounds & music.

 There should be only one universal account per game. Both accesible through Steam or Standalone depending where you have the game. And only one to prevent trolls and haters. Bans would have no use because right after ban the same person can be back under another nick. Hmmm... on the other hand admin might just ban the IP but players with dynamic IP may become troublesome.

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To implement chat in a "realistic" way (There were no headphones and no microphone in the early 1800s) I think chat can be available like when you examine something (the written thing appears over the character's head), and, for longer distance, we'd have to build a divining rod and a microphone like the one in this phone. Then we'd craft something with these two, and once in inventory, this something would allow chat, no matter where you are.

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