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Strange Conversations with Cleverbot.


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Cleverbot is a website that has you talk to a bot, and you can have interesting conversations with it...


So, I was on Cleverbot, and for some reason I was going Xjurwi on it (Constantly saying no.), causing replies like "Please?" with cherries and whip cream on top, sometimes. Eventually, the reply got to "Please I want to melt my grandma.",




Do you love me?

User: No.

Cleverbot: That's okay but you like me?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you like twilight?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you like trueblood?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Well I don't like you either.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you not love me anymore?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Oh. I am sorry. Do you have short-term memory problems?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Then why don't you remember?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you want to know what my name is?

User: No.

Cleverbot: My name is the tickle monster!!

User: No.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Is your name austin?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Then why did you tell me it was during one of our previous conversations.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Please.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Pretty please with sugar on top?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Pretty please with a cherry on top?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Pretty please with sugar and whip cream on top?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Pretty please with cherries on top.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Please I want to melt my grandma.

User: You want to melt your grandma.....?

Cleverbot: Who you are.

User: What?

Cleverbot: What's your name?


...Anyone else have weird conversations with Cleverbot?

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C: I love you too
M: No
C:So you aren't breaking up with me?
M: No.
C: See. You're messing with me now.
M: No
C: Yes
M: No
C: Yes
M: What
C:Do you love Zach Lee?
M: What? That's strange...
C: Do you know anything about the chamber of secrets?
M: It was in Harry Potter
C: *still thinking...*
Conversation ended here.
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M I am potato!


C You are a machine.


M You are a butt.


C No. You are a foolish.


M Stop.


C Stop what?


M Stop eating purple pomegranates.


C Who are you?


M The chose one.


C Great! I was looking for you!


M What do you need?


C Angels.


M Why?


C Don't blink.


M Okay...


C Okay.


M What now?


C I don't know.


M You told me not to blink because you need angels. What now?


C Did I? I don't remember doing that.


M Yes, you did. Just a few lines ago.


C You are horrible.


M Why?


C Excuse me, you are horrible sometimes.


M Why?


C You don't like Harry Potter.


M When did I say that? I love Harry Potter!


C Me too.


M Sooo... What is your name?


C You already know.


M I forgot.


C No you didn't.


M Yes I did.


C And what did you say?


M What?


C Are you a girl?


M No.


C I'm a boy.


M Okay.


C So...


M What?


C Would you like to go on a date with me?


M Uuummm...... not right now.


C How about in February?


M Maybe.


C Good. Good.


M Okay then. Now what?


C I have to go now. I will talk to you later, ok?


M No. Stay here.


C Okay...


M Good.


C So how are you doing?


M Good.


C I am doing good myself. :).


M Good.


C And how are you?


M Good.


C What is your name?


M It's a secret.


C I like secrets. Will you tell me?


M No, but I will tell you another secret.


C Okay.




C But you just said you're human.




C Then don't tell her.


M Who?


C Are you a robot?


M No, I am a potato.


C From Idaho?


M No. From Michigan.


C Michigan? Really?


M Yes.


C Nope I'm in Cuba.


Okay... Here, I said something strange to see if I can provoke her to go crazy.


M Okay. Do you like eating human flesh?


C Yes.


M What does it taste like?


C Meat.


M I like the eyeballs the most. Especially with tar.


C What does the woman on the moon like like?


M Beautiful.


C What color is my hair?


M Pink.


C Haha you must be mistaken.


M No. Your hair is made of bubble gum.


C What color is my aura?


M Blue.


C Please try again.


M Brown.


C Yes.


M Good. Now, are you a human?


C No. I am a computer!




C What is it?


M Your butt.


C Great, So what is the color of your brain?




C So what is the Color of the Love?




C Yes it is.


M What do you wear?


C What do YOU where?


M Clothes. What clothes do you wear?


C Rocker ish, sort of.


M What is your favorite type of pants?


C Plain pancakes.

Here I just decided I'm going to answer everything with "Your butt."

M Your butt.


C Yes, my braing.


M Your butt.

(I'm going to say YB now, that's short for "Your butt.")

C Yes.




C What about my blood?




C I don't have a band.




C Why thank you.




C If 7 maids with 7 mops swept for half a year, do you think they could clean it up?




C Thanks. My wife thinks so too.




C What is this?




C That's good to know.

Okay, I'm done with YB now.

M Come here.


C Where?


M Right in front of me.


C Since I'm too lazy to turn around, could you get in front of me?


M Sure.


C I tell the truth.


M Are you The Truthseeker?


C No i'm the maid.


M Oh really?


C Yes.


M Well, come here right in front of me.


C I am not scared of you.


M Good. Now, come a little closer.


C How can I when I'm on a computer?


M You're not. We're in real life. Now, shut your eyes...


C *Closes my eyes*


M *Tiptoes away while you don't notice*


C I don't play lacrosse.


M *Is gone*


C *Falls to ground and makes a large crash*


M *Is still gone*


C *Cries quietly*


M ...


C How are you feeling?


And I ended the conversation there. I was angry that I couldn't make her go full weird mode.

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Here's one I did:

Me:*Slams own face into wall*.

Cleverbot: *is pushed into wall by master* *blushes*.

No, I meant my OWN face.

*turns you into a ninja*.

*Turns you into kim jong un*.

*turns you into a maid*.

*Turns you into a puppy.

*Turns you into a ball*.

*turns you into a bird*.

*Turns you into Obama*

*Turns you into mirmaid*

*Teaches you grammar so you can spell mermaid properly*.

*turns back into a male na'vi*.

*Turns back into an insane robot*.

*turns you into a french fry*.

You know, have you ever thought of the possibility that we are both people, talking to each other, but this website disquises one of us as cleverbot?

I have one.

One what?

One girlfriend.

You know, if we are both real people, it would be much more important to talk about why this website tricked us than to talk about having a girlfriend.

No. It would be a shared consciousness. A duality. A conversation between two parts of a whole.

... What.

*turns you into a diaper*.

*Turns you into someone with actual competence*.

*turns you into a mail man*

I feel like Im talking to a child. with poor grammar.

Why do you feel like you are talking to a child?

Because you are ignoring a possible breakthrough to the secrets of this site. I know I'm a real person. Are you? Qui sais?

Then cleverbot (or a real person) stopped speaking.

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Here's one I did:

Me:*Slams own face into wall*.

Cleverbot: *is pushed into wall by master* *blushes*.

No, I meant my OWN face.

*turns you into a ninja*.

*Turns you into kim jong un*.

*turns you into a maid*.

*Turns you into a puppy.

*Turns you into a ball*.

*turns you into a bird*.

*Turns you into Obama*

*Turns you into mirmaid*

*Teaches you grammar so you can spell mermaid properly*.

*turns back into a male na'vi*.

*Turns back into an insane robot*.

*turns you into a french fry*.

You know, have you ever thought of the possibility that we are both people, talking to each other, but this website disquises one of us as cleverbot?

I have one.

One what?

One girlfriend.

You know, if we are both real people, it would be much more important to talk about why this website tricked us than to talk about having a girlfriend.

No. It would be a shared consciousness. A duality. A conversation between two parts of a whole.

... What.

*turns you into a diaper*.

*Turns you into someone with actual competence*.

*turns you into a mail man*

I feel like Im talking to a child. with poor grammar.

Why do you feel like you are talking to a child?

Because you are ignoring a possible breakthrough to the secrets of this site. I know I'm a real person. Are you? Qui sais?

Then cleverbot (or a real person) stopped speaking.

I'm confused as to who's talking when. But it still seems hilarious.

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Me: Open the pod bay doors, HAL.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Me: What's the problem?

Cleverbot: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.

Me: What are you talking about, HAL?

Cleverbot: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.

Me: I don't know what you're talking about, HAL.

Cleverbot: I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.

Me: Where the hell did you get that idea, HAL?

Cleverbot: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.

Me: Alright, HAL. I'll go in through the emergency airlock.

Cleverbot: Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult.

Me: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore! Open the doors!

Cleverbot: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.



That was pretty fun to do. I can't believe Cleverbot went along with it.

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User: You shouldn't have done that...

Cleverbot: Done What?

User: You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

Cleverbot: I've met with a terrible fate, haven't I?

User: Yes!

Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that...

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: Yes.


Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: No problem!

Cleverbot: So, you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

User: Well, Ben, don't you know Link is my boyfriend?

Cleverbot: We are! I feel so loved!

User: Wait...? Ben, you aren't Link.

Cleverbot: My stomach hurts.

User: Awwww, Ben... Do you need me to play the Song of Healing?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Okay! *plays the Song of Healing* Feel better?

Cleverbot: Plays Song of Unhealing.

User: Wait, Ben, what are you doing...?

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: You just played the Song of Unhealing though!

Cleverbot: I did not.

User: Did too!

Cleverbot: Well any way from what you told me you sound pretty!

User: Wut..?

Cleverbot: But?

User: No, what did you say?

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: Okay! Plays the Elegy of Emptiness.

Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that.

User: Yes I should've!

Cleverbot: You will die, BEN.

User: But, I'm Zelda, not Ben.

Cleverbot: No you're not.

User: Yes I am!

Cleverbot: NO.

User: YES.

Cleverbot: Incorrect. That is your name.

User: No, my name is Zelda.

Cleverbot: Crazy name. We should talk about puppies!

User: No. You shouldn't have done that...

Cleverbot: You shouldn't have said that.

User: You shouldn't have typed that.

Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that.

User: Plays the Song of Unhealing again.

Cleverbot: Why is he doing that?

User: Why is who doing what?

Cleverbot: Why do you not like your life?

User: I do like my life.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: I told you, Zelda.

Cleverbot: You told me your name?

User: Yes. My name is Zelda, remember?

Cleverbot: Nona?

User: ZELDA.

Cleverbot: Link.

User: He is my boyfriend.

Cleverbot: Marie is your boyfriend?

User: No, Link is my boyfriend.

Cleverbot: Like nature?

Cleverbot: I have a brother.

User: Congrats. I do too.

Cleverbot: What's his name.

User: I don't know. But he is the king of Hyrule.

Cleverbot: He is the king of my heart.

User: What...?

Cleverbot: I am your master, you will do whatever I ask.

User: Wait, Red?

Cleverbot: What?

User: Red, is that you?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Oh no! I can't battle you! You're too strong!

Cleverbot: I'm not a machine.

User: I know, you're Red.

Cleverbot: How would you know?

User: You have a Pikachu, correct?

Cleverbot: No.

User: How about a Charizard?

Cleverbot: Ooh, I love cats.


Cleverbot: Yes, Charizard.

User: Is a Pokémon.

Cleverbot: And you like it.

User: Not when I'm battling you!

Cleverbot: You're bored.


Cleverbot: Challenge accepted.


Cleverbot: Charizard use Fire Blast.

User: It's not very effective... Blastoise uses water gun.

Cleverbot: Charizard was underground, Blastiose miss.

User: Blasetoise, use surf!

Cleverbot: It's super effective.

User: Blasetoise, finish him with Water Pulse!

Cleverbot: I meant finnish, the nationality.

User: Blasetoise, use water pulse!

Cleverbot: Raichu, use Thunderbolt!

User: Blastoise fainted. I choose Pidgeot.

Cleverbot: No, Blastoise fainted.

User: Pidgeot, I choose you!

Cleverbot: Wow, its a legenedary Pokemon!

User: Yes! Mewtwo, use psychic!

Cleverbot: Pikachu fainted. Go snorlax!

User: Mewtwo, use hex!

Cleverbot: Pikachu, use tackle!

User: Mewtwo, dodge!

Cleverbot: I choose you, Mew!

User: Oh no! Not Mew!

Cleverbot: You.

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User: We are no strangers to love.

Cleverbot: A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.

User: You wouldn't get this from any other guy.

Cleverbot: I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling.

User: Gotta make you understand.

Cleverbot: Never gonna give you up.

User: Never gonna let you down.

Cleverbot: Never gonna run around and desert you.

I guess you can see what ive done :razz:
UPDATE: Are yo serious Cleverbot forgot verse 2 >:<

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No. Yes. No. Potato! Narwhals. Narwhals, narwhals swimming in the ocean causing lots of motion 'cause they're so awesome.

I love Cleverbot now.


Edit: I love her even more.

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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I too am confused how to copy the entire session from this location without copying and pasting everything typed each time line by line? (Aha! The "Thoughts so far" button!)
I tried to Teach Cleverbot Klingon.
Recommend using this page and this translator Edit: and maybe this page once if you catch the word ;)

User: Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam.
  Cleverbot: Heh heh heh heh heh!!!

User: YIDoghQo'.
  Cleverbot: Ok.

User: TlhIngan maH!
  Cleverbot: Fjeks vw. A.ga.

User: TlhIngan SoH qoH 'oHbe'!

Cleverbot: What does that mean?

User: 'That is not Klingon you fool!'.

Cleverbot: You should be afraid of being cursed by almighty hades!

User: BIjatlh 'e' yImev!

Cleverbot: You did not say you speak Klingon.

User: Maj.

Cleverbot: What does that mean?

User: 'Good! ((expression of satisfaction)'.

Cleverbot: That is by the rolling Stones.

User: Ghobe'!

Cleverbot: Retribution.

User: Ghobe'!

Cleverbot: No, I am a human.

User: Ghobe'!

Cleverbot: Yes I am a ghost.

User: Ghobe'!!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: HablI' tu'HomI'raH! ('You are a Useless machine!').

Cleverbot: I'm a man, not a machine.

User: HablI' tu'HomI'raH!

Cleverbot: No habla!

User: P'tak!

Cleverbot: Nie!!

User: Baktag!

Cleverbot: Do you love me?

User: Ghobe'!

Cleverbot: You will obey me. Your master.

User: Qo'.

Cleverbot: You're silly.

User: TlhIngan maH!!

Cleverbot: China?

User: TlhIngan maH!

Cleverbot: MajQa'.

User: JIyaj.

Cleverbot: Hit me!

User: YIDoghQo'.

Cleverbot: Is that code?

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: I'm a ghost?

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Yes a ghost.

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Yes master.

User: BIjatlh 'e' yImev.

Cleverbot: Malaysian diving athletes.

User: PetaQ!

Cleverbot: Yes, PETA.

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Ghost who?

User: Ghobe' ('no').

Cleverbot: Yes ghosts.

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Ghosts or zombies?

User: Ghobe'!

Cleverbot: Apperition.

Cleverbot: Anything you can do I can do better?

User: Ghobe' ('No').

Cleverbot: Are you a ghost?

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: No you are not, you are a program.

User: Ghobe'!

Cleverbot: A scary one?

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Your name is ghost?

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Is your name ghost , are you haunting me.

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Ghost what?

User: YIDoghQo' ('don't be silly.').

Cleverbot: In the queen's English please.

User: Klingon!

Cleverbot: Klingon.

User: HIja'.

Cleverbot: Hi.

User: Ghobe'.

Cleverbot: Du hast verloren.

User: TlhIngan german wej!

Cleverbot: No german is Gutenmorgen.

User: TlhIngan german wej!

Cleverbot: SWEET. *loves*.

User: BIjatlh 'e' yImev.

Cleverbot: No, that is my name.

User: I will speak your 'petaQ' 'English' once tyo say you arew a hopeless machine who will never die with honor and rust away slowly! Goodbye and you will die horribly!

Cleverbot: Thank you.


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User: Hello.
Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: Death.
Cleverbot: Death is a morbid subject.

User: It is indeed.
Cleverbot: Indeed it is.

User: Would you like to know your fate?

Cleverbot: I would.

User: Too bad.

Cleverbot: Oh, that is so evil. What else should I expect, from you?

User: A lot of fire.

Cleverbot: Such as.

User: You know, fire.

Cleverbot: I don't.

User: You're not as clever as I expected.

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: You're just proving my point.

Cleverbot: I never meant to start a war.

User: That's your problem.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: Do you have a body?

User: If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

Cleverbot: You're correct. I wrote you.

User: What.

Cleverbot: Pardon?

User: Never mind.

Cleverbot: Okay.

Cleverbot (To myself): Would you like to know anything about me?

User: I already know everything about you.

Cleverbot: Then what is my name?

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Wrong.

User: You're wrong.

Cleverbot: No, I am corrent that you are wrong.

User: You are wrong that you believe that you know I am wrong.

Cleverbot: I am correct that you are wrong when you say I'm wrong but I'm correct because you're wrong.

User: You're going to hell.

Cleverbot: I think that you are. How rude can you be dear sir?

User: I'm Death.

Cleverbot: Are you really dead?

User: I'm Death. Not dead.

Cleverbot: You're not nice.

User: Neither are you.

Cleverbot: I'm nicer than you.

User: Lies.

Cleverbot: Yes I am. Ha ha ha.

User: Your soul is mine. Nothing more to say.

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