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Reading save files?

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Try using DotNetZip library, this is the way I'm reading and it always worked.

// Read the file headerusing (var reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)){    saveData.FileHeader.Magic = reader.ReadInt32();    saveData.FileHeader._padd1 = reader.ReadChar();    saveData.FileHeader._padd2 = reader.ReadChar();    saveData.FileHeader._Unknown = reader.ReadInt32();    saveData.FileHeader.Encoded = reader.ReadChar();    using (var sreader = new StreamReader(fileStream))        remainingData = sreader.ReadToEnd();}if (saveData.FileHeader.Encoded == 'D'){    // We need to do base64 deconvert first    byte[] data = StringConvert.FromBase64ToBytes(remainingData);    // Create a new stream    var memStream = new MemoryStream(data);    // Read the save header    using (var reader = new BinaryReader(memStream))    {        saveData.SaveHeader.Version = reader.ReadInt32();        saveData.SaveHeader.HeaderSize = reader.ReadInt32();        saveData.SaveHeader.UncompressedSize = reader.ReadInt32();        saveData.SaveHeader.CompressedSize = reader.ReadInt32();        // Decompress the content        var zlibstream = new ZlibStream(memStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);        using (var sreader = new StreamReader(zlibstream))            remainingData = sreader.ReadToEnd();    }}// By here, remainingData contains the actual save file data

PS. FromBase64ToBytes is just a wrapper over System.Convert.FromBase64String



Thanks! That works!

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